  • Family Promise of Hunterdon County

Family Promise of Hunterdon County



A critical component of our programming is addressing one's mental health. We work with therapists who discount their rates substantially for Family Promise of Hunterdon County (FPHC), and they allow us to access their support immediately. Our clients never pay a fee for this or any other service FPHC provides. Your support of $25, $50, $100, or $250 helps us to provide mental health and other supports to those experiencing homelessness in Hunterdon County.

Your Donation Amount

Total amount:

Thank you for your interest in, and willingness to support, our mission. If you wish to make a gift by check, kindly mail it to the following address with your name, company name (if applicable), email, and phone number:

Family Promise of Hunterdon County
8 Bartles Corner Road, Ste. 11, Flemington, NJ 08822

Your Contact Information


Honor/Memorial Information


Your Payment Method

Your Billing Information

Your Payment Information

* What is this?