  • Family Promise of Hunterdon County

Box City 2022



Each year, Family Promise of Hunterdon County holds its Box City fundraiser to draw attention to the issue of homelessness in our county, region, state, and country. This year, we are returning to an in-person event and we could not be more excited! Our Box City fundraiser is expected to raise $35,000, but we need the help of our Hunterdon communities to reach that goal. Here's how you can help:

1) Register HERE to help us fundraise for Box City 2022! 

2) Make your initial donation of $75.00 (fully tax-deductible).

3) Share your fundraising page with your network of family, friends, colleagues, and everyone you know. Ask them to support you, FPHC, and all of those in our county who are experiencing homelessness.

4) Decorate a box large enough for you to sleep in.

5) Bring your box and join us for a sleepover at Hunterdon Central Regional High School on the night of May 21, 2022.

We'll provide the food, fun, prizes, and reflections.

Did you know that nearly 5% of Hunterdon residents live in poverty, and another 18% are ‘asset constrained?’ Asset-contained households are those with earned incomes that are not enough to meet monthly basic needs of food, shelter, and necessary utilities. FPHC exists to support our most vulnerable neighbors, friends, and family in our Hunterdon communities to prevent homelessness, support those experiencing homelessness, and we envision the day when all of our Hunterdon residents have the means and ability to live independently. 

Not sure about fundraising? No problem. Click here to make your tax-deductible donation to Family Promise of Hunterdon County for our Box City fundraiser.

Your Donation Amount

Total amount:

Thank you for your interest in, and willingness to support, our mission. If you wish to make a gift by check, kindly mail it to the following address with your name, company name (if applicable), email, and phone number:

Family Promise of Hunterdon County
8 Bartles Corner Road, Ste. 11, Flemington, NJ 08822

Your Contact Information


Honor/Memorial Information


Your Payment Method

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